Merge git repositories

We have more than 20 Git repositories for the same project, but it causes lots of headaches for building. We’ve decided to merge most of them into a single one, keeping the file history when possible.

This script uses newren/git-filter-repo and as such needs Python 3.

It’s done in 3 steps:

  • clone the local repositories from d:\dev\xxx to d:\devnew\xxx using git-filter-repo with source and target parameters
  • create a new repository at d:\devnew\merged
  • merge from d:\devnew\xxx to d:\devnew\merged\xxx using git merge --allow-unrelated-histories

I’ve removed a lot of code for brievity, so maybe it won’t work out of the box, but you should get the general idea.

Next up: pushing the new repository, then migrate the developers workstations, for which I wrote another script:

Next up: migrating Jenkins jobs. With more than 170 jobs, doing it by hand is a real chore. Fortunately, you can also automate it.

Now we can version the Jenkins configs. Then we edit, and update them.

Use git with your SVN repository

You are just a few simple commands away to start using all the local power of git (local commit and rewind, stash…) over an existing SVN repository.

I say local power, because obviously, SVN being not as powerful as git, you’re still limited in what you can do without breaking everything when you try to commit.

A simple and effective guide can be found here :

Note that on large SVN repository, the first checkout/clone can take hours, or even days. On our 2400-commits-large, several-Gb repository, the first clone has taken a few days, but it was making my (bi-Xeon + 16Gb RAM…) computer hang a few seconds or minutes every 15 minutes or so. Maybe you’ll have better luck.

But once it’s done… it’s really awesome.