Use git with your SVN repository

You are just a few simple commands away to start using all the local power of git (local commit and rewind, stash…) over an existing SVN repository.

I say local power, because obviously, SVN being not as powerful as git, you’re still limited in what you can do without breaking everything when you try to commit.

A simple and effective guide can be found here :

Note that on large SVN repository, the first checkout/clone can take hours, or even days. On our 2400-commits-large, several-Gb repository, the first clone has taken a few days, but it was making my (bi-Xeon + 16Gb RAM…) computer hang a few seconds or minutes every 15 minutes or so. Maybe you’ll have better luck.

But once it’s done… it’s really awesome.

Linq2SQL – Row Not Found Or Changed

Working on a .Net 3.5 client app, I am stuck using the lesser evil of Linq2SQL (compared to the awefulness that is EntityFramework 1).

Updating data on a column results in a ChangeConflictException : “Row not found or changed”. The usual culprit of the DBML differing even slightly from the actual DB model was not to blame, and the concurrency was not either, since the processing took a few milliseconds at worst, on a local DB.

It actually was a trigger updating the “updated_at” column. In the DBML editor, setting the column to “check update : never”  and “automatic synchronization : always” solved the problem.